Bluey (Cantonese) Review


 For my first review, I am reviewing the beloved Children's cartoon, Bluey.  The Cantonese version is available on Disney + in North America. You will have to sail the high seas if you are not in this region.  You can look around the Cantonese P@rents group in FB.  (Change the @ to the letter).  

Child Appropriate?  Yes!  Highly appropriate language.

Adult Appropriate? Enjoyable, slightly child like language that isn't annoying.  There isn't too much baby talk.  They have good use of sentence final particles.  In fact, my friend is analyzing their usage of sentence final particles to learn them.

Content:  Bluey is a highly educational show that teaches people how to deal with different life situations, stressors, problems through play. 



I can usually sit through my friends trying to subtitle it in Cantonese.



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